Sunday 18 March 2018

Swimming Pool Repairs-An Analysis

All types of swimming pools will eventually require more than the basic maintenance to keep them safe and functional for every day use. While major repairs will require the help of a professional, smaller repair jobs can often be done with repair kits that can be purchased at your local swimming pool supply company. Before you tackle any type of swimming pool repair, it is important to know what type of pool you have and what supplies you will need to make the repairs. Concrete and gunite pools tend to need plaster repair as they age. Common problems associated with aging in these types of in-ground pools are hollow spots that pop up, chipping and cracking, and wear spots that cause the gunite that is below the plaster to show through. These types of repairs are fairly easy to complete on your own, and kits are readily available to fix these problems.swimming pool contractors offers excellent info on this.

Fiberglass pools often get bubbles or blisters along with cracks. These types of problems are easily fixed with a fiberglass repair kit that can be purchased at a boat and marine supply store or your local swimming pool supplier. The downside to repairing fiberglass pools is that the color of the fiberglass is rarely able to be perfectly matched, which will always show the repair. The only solution to avoid this outside of hiring a professional is to resurface your entire pool which can be costly and cumbersome to do for a simple cosmetic reason.

Vinyl pools and vinyl lined pools are the easiest do it yourself fixes of the types of pools most commonly found. As long as you can locate the source of the leak or crack, a simple vinyl repair kit will quickly fix the problem. There are some repair kids available now that allow you too fix the tear under water, but for the most permanent results it is best to drain the pool below the level of the tear and allow the vinyl patch to dry completely before refilling the pool


For more severe problems you will need to hire a pool repair contractor. Be sure to research any contractor thoroughly and inquire about estimated completion times for your project. If you are aware of a problem with your pool before the onset of swimming pool season, you can save a lot of money by hiring a contractor during the winter months when the workload for such professionals is very slow. Problems involving major cracks, plumbing issues, and filtration system problems are always best handled by the professional repair companies. 


Swimming Pool Repair - An Overview

A swimming pool is a tank that holds water for the purpose of swimming and wading. The common problems that pools usually face are:
Maintaining the water balance
Vinyl liners getting holes and tears
Filters getting clogged
Pumps malfunctioning
These issues call for proper pool repair processes. Let us now take a look at how these problems can be taken care of.Have a look at pool leak for more info on this.

Maintaining the water balance - Water chemistry maintenance is the very important when it comes to taking care of pools. It's mandatory to sanitize the pool with chlorine. This chemical helps to kill the harmful contaminants in the water by combining with bacteria that is present in the water. Once chlorine combines with the contaminants, it becomes inactive and can no longer protect the water. That is when the pool requires a shock treatment and fresh chlorine is added to it. Also, the pH level in the water should be well-balanced. Do not allow the pH level to fall below 7.0.Taking care of the vinyl liner - This is another issue that calls for a swimming pool repair process. The vinyl liner of swimming pools often gets damaged due to lack of proper care and maintenance. The water balance plays a very important role when it comes to taking care of the vinyl liner. Firstly, the pH level in the water should be above 7.0 under all conditions. The pH level being below 7.0 can lead to complex reactions in the water. This results in the expansion of the vinyl liner. The liner develops wrinkles too. Ultimately, it degrades. Secondly, you should be careful with the amount of chlorine that you are using to disinfect the pool water. High amount of chlorine can damage the liner to a considerable extent. Treat liner leaks with special patching glues.

Take proper care of the pool filter - Maintaining a clean pool filter is very important for the comfort of the bather. Cleaning cartridge filters require much time. The other types of filters that are available in the market are diatomaceous earth filters and sand filters. Regular cleaning of pool filters can rule out the chances of waterborne diseases.Make sure the pool pump is working fine - A pool pump helps in moving pool water to the filter for disinfection. It is necessary to have the pool pump work properly. If it is not, you should call on a professional immediately.

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